Inquiry #1 Trying Crafts Origami Hat

My inquiry project for this course is trying different crafts I could do with future students then giving feedback and reviewing the craft. I will be reviewing based on how much room for creativity there is, difficulty and grade level.

Origami Samurai Hat!

Difficulty: 2/5′


Fun: 4/5

Grade Level: 4-7

Time: 15-20 minutes (a bit more for younger grades)

Supplies needed

-Origami paper or regular paper


-Markers (optional)


-Have students create various sizes have them make hats for their toys or hats for their hat

-have the students decorate their paper with markers, pencil crayons or crayons

Below our some pictures of my progress with the craft. I cut standard 8 by 11 paper to make a square and then decorated it with water colour however this made the paper a lot softer and more difficult to fold I think with a class I would get them to use a sturdier kind of paper if they wanted to use watercolour or get them to decorate with marker or pencil crayons.

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