Free Inquiry #2 Potato Printing

This week I decided to try potato printing. I was inspired by my friend who I saw do this activity on her practicum. For this activity I did not follow a specific set of instructions, I tried to figure out how to do it as I went but if you want a more clear in depth tutorial you can click here . The craft was overall enjoyable and not too difficult. My only concern with this would be knife safety especially with younger students.

Difficulty: 2/5


Grade level: 5-12


To complete this craft I used small potatoes that I already had but I think if I were to do this in an actual classroom I would try to get larger ones so they are easier to carve. For this craft I decided what designs I wanted to make for me it was stars hearts and circles. I cut the potatoes in half. Drew my shape then carved it out with a small knife. There is lots of room for creativity with this project because students can make any shapes they want. You can also use it to teach math like patterns or arrays. I am not sure how I could adapt this craft to make it better for younger students so if you have any suggestions let me know in the replies.

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